CEO Weekly Newsletter March 7, 2022

From the CEO’s desk


01: Celebrating AVENS GEMS (Going The Extra Mile For Seniors) Awards For 2021

Celebrating AVENS GEMS (Going The Extra Mile For Seniors) Awards For 2021

AVENS, A Community for Seniors, recognized its GEMS (Going the Extra Mile for Seniors) Long Term Service employees, Shining Stars and Helping Hand recipients at a special ceremony in the Barb Bromley Administration Building on Monday, February 28, 2022, at 1:30pm.

“There are little GEMS all around us that can hold glimmers of inspiration”

Richelle Mead

With our Covid capacity in our facility maxed out for guests, our Chair of the AVENS Board of Directors, Matt Spence, had some opening comments,

“Our dedicated staff perform the most important role in providing day to day quality service and support to our AVENS residents which has been extremely challenging with the Covid pandemic. The resilience and determination of our staff to continue to protect our resident even under these challenging circumstances is an excellent example of how dedicated they are. The GEMS Employee Long Term Service Awards Ceremony is an important opportunity for the Avens Board and Senior staff to recognize those contributions made by employees over a significant period of years. The AVENS board appreciates our staff’s commitment and extends their thanks”

Following, I had the pleasure of also emceeing the event with some opening comments,

“We celebrate AVENS employees whose talents and efforts have helped our success for almost 35 years. Together, we take pride in their accomplishments and their commitment to excellence knowing that they have made a difference for seniors in the Northwest Territories. Today we give thanks to all our 120 employees, and we pay tribute to 13 of them, who combined, have contributed over 130 years of loyal service to AVENS. Our GEMS awards further showcase our employee Shining Star’s and our volunteer Helping Hand’s outstanding recipients of 2021”

I can assure you that our Management Team and our AVENS Board of Directors are proud to honor all our employees, who work to ensure our vision, mission and our values are upheld.

We were fortunate to have a Zoom link set up for family and friends who could not attend the ceremony. As well, we had a live Zoom feed from the Baker Center, where our Supervisor of Health and Wellness, Carol Norwegian, had the pleasure of handing out the GEMS Helping Hand Awards to a number of our volunteers.

After the awards were presented, Board Members, Management, Staff, and some guests enjoyed some refreshments and snacks.

Let’s take a moment, through pictures to celebrate, and let’s give thanks to our AVENS GEMS program awards for 2021.

Courtesy to our photographer, Sara Fullerton, our graphics design, Christine Zamudio and our production coordinator, Chelsea Pukanich.

Live Stream ceremonies via Zoom connected two buildings on campus in real-time. The GEMS Helping Hand Awards was up first in the Bakers Center and broadcast back at the AVENS Administration wing

As President and CEO of AVENS I was proud to present the first GEMS Shining Star Award to Karen Von Allmen
The winners of both GEMS Helping Hand and Shining Star for 2021 are proudly displayed at the Barb Bromley Administration Wing. This commemorative wall mount was unveiled at the ceremony.

The presentation format is unique each year. This year having two locations being linked via Zoom proved to be a success
Long Term Service Award recipients receive gifts, certificates, and pins for their name tag
The unveiling of this year’s new GEMS Long Term Service Award recipients
While the folks at the Baker Centre enjoyed some Helping Hand cake and goodies…
The rest of the GEMS crowd enjoyed some Long Term Service cake and an assortment of goodies and refreshments

Congratulations to all award recipients and long term service nominees. We are proud of what you do for our seniors and their families. Keep up the great work we will see you again next year!