Last week I had the pleasure to showcase several incredible excursions and events our residents had with our staff. The response from the readers, the residents, their families and of course our staff was overwhelming.
“Seniors and sled dogs share a common spirit: they thrive in the face of challenge, they find joy in the journey, and they never back down from an adventure” - Unknown
Doggonit, why break up a good thing? Therefore, when a NEW group of our residents and their families, along with our staff and volunteers, took to the lake for adventure, so too were many cameras in tow.
Then, if you add some sunshine, some dogs, a couple of sleds, some fish nets and, of course some fish, you’ll have yourself one heck of a fun time.
I wanted to use pictures to truly capture the unique activities AVENS does with our seniors. With the help of the Yellowknife Community Foundation Albert Hall Fund and of course our Tree of Giving program, AVENS Recreation and Wellness Team, along with several of our dedicated staff, coordinated a number of days of excitement on the Great Slave Lake and Grace Lake.